Each full and partial qualification included in the NQF has a specific qualification level, described by work competences. The qualification levels form a universal scale which allows inclusion of all incomplete and partial qualifications; the levels are common for the National Qualifications Framework and for the National Occupations System. The design of the qualification levels also shows their relationship to the EQF levels.
There is a newly specified EQF Level 5, up to now without a specific degree of education in the educational system of the Czech Republic. It is assumed that this level will be related to short-cycle programmes of tertiary education which would be created by the reformation of the current educational programmes facilitated by tertiary technical schools, which have – according to the legislation in force – referred to Level 6 up until now.
After the reformation of the educational programmes facilitated by the tertiary technical schools, the short-cycle programmes of tertiary education (within up to 120 ECTS credits) would provide education leading to the achievement of competences where the graduates should manage methods and techniques corresponding to a narrow scope of specialized professions at a level which allows independent performance in terms of professional activities within these professions, including self-employment and managerial activities in relation to a team of employees who have achieved qualifications at Levels 1 to 4; along with that, the qualifications would provide a base for a link to bachelor's studies (Level 6), where the qualifications would be developed to a larger extent in terms of the theory and methodology of the specific branch.
The academic standard for the educational (study) programmes leading to qualifications at Levels 5 and higher will be formed by the National Qualifications Framework for tertiary education, which is prepared by the MEYS within the Q-RAM project.
It is assumed within the concept of the document that Level 5 would include also partial qualifications of the further education system which would not directly correspond to the qualification of initial education, which would establish a link between the two types of qualifications within Level 5 and possible reformed professional higher education.
The partial qualifications (and relevant educational programmes now prepared) are kept at EQF Level 5 for the reason of possible discussion about the connection between the NQF and Act No. 179/2006 Coll. with Level 5. However, partial qualifications are created at all levels where possible in compliance with Act No. 179/2006 Coll., currently up to EQF Level 4.
The levels and their relationship to the European Qualifications Framework which were discussed by the MEYS Management on 5 January 2010.